I just finished reading two books that I would encourage anyone interested in “modern” evangelization and catechesis to read.
They were Treasure in Clay, the autobiography of Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, and All for Her, the autobiography of Venerable Fr. Patrick Peyton, CSC.
Archbishop Sheen was a well-known figure in the middle of the 20th century, notably, through his radio program, The Catholic Hour, and his highly-rated television show, Life is Worth Living.
Father Peyton also had a presence in broadcasting organizing the Family Theater program (which popularized the phrase “The family that prays together stays together”) and several Rosary and solemnity specials along with several films that illustrated the mysteries of the Rosary and hundreds of Rosary crusades around the world.
These books touch on both of their work in the media, but also heavily communicate their spirituality.
Archbishop Sheen was a learned communicator and strove to share truth and knowledge with all.
He was able to use his celebrity for others as he received many donations, most of which went to those in need including through missions around the world in his role active in the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
Father Peyton made family prayer his mission in life and getting as many people as possible to pray the Rosary. In his book, he repeatedly emphasized doing it all for the Blessed Mother and leaving matters in her hands.
In the year 2022, it is more possible than ever to share the message of the Good News through modern means just as they both did.
Whether it’s a podcast, blog, or online video, armed with the truth and goodness of the faith, we can spread it to others.
Even just a social media post could inspire or catechize others.
Learning from their examples, use these technological blessings wisely.
Share your witness. Share your thoughts. Share your joys and goodness.