Q:Why are parishes required to eventually convert to ParishSOFT and QuickBooks? We like our current program.
A: Parishes are currently using dozens of different software programs. Each program has different fields and different reports and it’s like we’re speaking different languages between us. It’s very important for all the parishes in the diocese to be using the same programs so the data is predictable and consistent. For instance, coding a parishioner as Active in one parish does not mean the same thing to another but our goal is that in the future, it will. We need to speak the same language with the data and terms so we both can use it to communicate with parishioners.
Once all parishes are on the same two programs the diocese can offer additional support in the areas of ongoing technical help and staff training, which parishes have asked for. We’ve already started offering ParishSOFT and QuickBooks training on a regular basis for newly converted parishes and/or new employees who are working with ParishSOFT or QuickBooks for the first time.
Parishes are currently required to submit sacramental and other data to the diocese, some of which we must send to the Vatican and having some standards regarding the data will improve the accuracy of this reporting. By using the same software the diocese can simplify the reporting methods or even collect the specific information ourselves someday, saving parish staff time to
Vicky Lamberty is the associate director of the Office of Planning for the Diocese of Madison.
Questions from parishes and pastors regarding merging, clusters, partnerships, linkages, software, and directives can be sent to trustinginthespirit@straphael.org, 608-821-3139 (fax), or 702 S. High Point Rd., Madison, WI 53717.