Q What are the software programs my parish is supposed to eventually convert to and use?
A QuickBooks — Financial software for tracking parish accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, fixed assets, expenses, income, etc. You can learn more about QuickBooks at www.QuickBooks.com
ParishSOFT — Parishioner census software that tracks parishioner contact and sacramental information, offertory (a person’s giving history), volunteer scheduling and tracking, and religious education scheduling and history. You can learn more about ParishSOFT and try a demo at www.ParishSOFT.com
Parishes SHOULD NOT attempt to convert from their current software to either QuickBooks or ParishSOFT. The Office of Planning will contact your parish when your cluster has been scheduled and help you through the entire process.
Vicky Lamberty is the associate director of the Office of Planning for the Diocese of Madison.
Questions from parishes and pastors regarding merging, clusters, partnerships, linkages, software, and directives can be sent to trustinginthespirit@straphael.org, 608-821-3139 (fax), or 702 S. High Point Rd., Madison, WI 53717.