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Julie Jensen |
“Women’s health” has become a hot-button issue lately, often for the wrong reasons.
But Our Lady of Hope Clinic, located on Odana Rd. on Madison’s west side, has positively focused on women’s health issues since it opened over six years ago.
Women’s health science
Dr. Michael Kloess, the clinic’s medical provider, is trained in Natural Procreative (NaPro) Technology, a women’s health science that monitors and maintains a woman’s reproductive and gynaecological health.
This science gives women the opportunity to know and understand the causes of the symptoms they are suffering from.
At Our Lady of Hope Clinic, Dr. Kloess encourages women to be active participants in their health and empowers them with the tools to know and understand their own bodies.
Wide spectrum of concerns
While NaPro Technology is often used to treat infertility, it is also used to diagnose and treat a wide spectrum of gynaecological concerns including premenstrual syndrome, polycystic ovarian disease, menstrual cramps, irregular or abnormal bleeding, chronic discharges, ovarian cysts, infertility, repetitive miscarriages, postpartum depression, hormone abnormalities, and other gynaecological health problems.
Dr. Kloess has treated women of various ages for a spectrum of concerns. Several years ago, a young woman, 12 years old, came to him because she was experiencing significant bleeding during her monthly menstrual cycle. Her family provider had given her artificial birth control to control her bleeding, something her mother was not comfortable with.
After referrals to two different OB/GYN specialists giving the patient the same recommendation for birth control, the family turned to Our Lady of Hope Clinic.
Dr. Kloess explains why he is a proponent of NaPro Technology and Natural Family Planning (NFP). “Artificial contraception masks underlying gynaecological issues, which is why so many providers rely on it so heavily. Unfortunately, looking at it from a health standpoint only, it does not help to diagnose or treat those issues. So when a woman stops taking the pill, her original concern almost always returns — often in a more severe form.”
Fortunately, by teaching this young woman to monitor her cycle, thereby gathering critical data about her biological baseline, he was able to make an accurate diagnosis of the underlying hormone problem and treat her without resorting to potent steroids.
Help with infertility
Of course, many other women turn to Dr. Kloess because they are experiencing the heartbreak of infertility and are looking for assistance in starting or expanding their families.
Laura Karlen, a benefactor of the clinic since its inception, turned to Our Lady of Hope Clinic when she and her husband were ready to expand their family.
“Dr. Kloess is the only doctor in the area that can TREAT me for polycystic ovarian syndrome,” she said. “While the common practice is to cover up the problem with birth control or to make a referral to an invitro-fertilization clinic, Dr. Kloess has the knowledge to help me not only live as healthfully as possible with polycystic ovarian syndrome but also to be able to welcome children into the world, something which other doctors said would be impossible for me.”
Laura and her husband Steve are now the proud parents of three young children.
Assistance with pregnancy
Gina Hackl and her husband Scott also turned to the clinic during the early stages of her first pregnancy.
“Our NFP instructor directed us to Dr. Kloess when our chart was showing some concerning signs,” said Gina. “Having knowledge of my cycle through our chart, Dr. Kloess was able to help us with progesterone supplements immediately after we conceived Rosalie.
“Turns out, we needed his expertise and help throughout the pregnancy. We know Rosalie might not be here had it not been for Dr. Kloess and Our Lady of Hope Clinic, so we are so very grateful to them!”
Healthy alternative
Other young women of childbearing age are choosing NFP because they would like to delay pregnancy in a natural, healthful manner. “Everyone exercises and eats organically whenever they can these days, but many women think nothing of putting dangerous chemicals into their bodies on a daily basis in the hopes of delaying pregnancy,” marvels Dr. Kloess.
“While many of my NFP patients are Catholic women who want to follow the Church’s teaching on contraception, I have many non-Catholic patients as well who are health-conscious and understand the risks associated with chemical contraception. I find that the majority of my NFP patients, both the women and their husbands, are amazed and relieved when they realize how easy it is to practice, once they know how.”
Our Lady of Hope Clinic’s Natural Family Planning services are offered on a fee for service basis to our non-benefactor patients. Benefactors of the clinic receive unlimited NFP consultations as part of their benefactor contribution, and uninsured women may receive these services free of charge.
To learn more about Our Lady of Hope Clinic and our women’s health services, visit our website at www.ourladyofhopeclinic.org
Julie Jensen is the director of development at Our Lady of Hope Clinic in Madison.