JANESVILLE — Rock County Council on Aging will be offering “Powerful Tools for Caregivers®”, a nationally recognized education program to help family and friends caring for older adults and anyone who cares for someone with chronic health concerns.
“Taking Care of You — Powerful Tools for Caregivers” is designed to help family caregivers take care of themselves. This class teaches the caregiver necessary emotional tools to reduce guilt, anger, and depression; how to deal with difficult feelings; take care of yourself; help you relax; set goals; solve problems; and effective communication with family members and health service providers.
The program is a series of classes that are held once a week for seven weeks for two hours. A donation of $10 is requested. The next class is Thursday, Aug. 14, through Sept. 18, from 1 to 3:30 p.m. at the Rock County Council on Aging office, 3328 Hwy. 51 North, Janesville.Class scholarships, respite care, and transportation funding may be available to those who qualify. For more information or to register for the class, contact the Rock County Council on Aging at 608-758-8455 or register online at www.co.rock.wi.us/aging