PRINCETON — Plans are underway for St. John Catholic School in Princeton’s 19th annual Golf Benefit to be held on Saturday, May 18, at Sondalle’s White Lake Country Club, Montello.
Price is $75 per person. This is the same price as last year in the hopes of increasing participation. Cost includes 18 holes of golf, cart, and dinner. The cost for full members of Sondalle’s White Lake Country Club is $50 per person.
The first place team will receive $300, second place $200, and third place $100. There will be Fr. Grubba’s long drive contest at 12 noon with shotgun start at 12:30 p.m.
In addition, hole prizes, raffles, ball toss, betting holes, mulligans, and a skins game will be available. There is also a $10,000 hole-in-one prize opportunity.
Donations of goods and services are also being sought for raffle prizes. All sponsorships and donations, including cash, may be tax deductible and receipts will be furnished. Make checks payable to St. John Catholic School.
Send donations and/or entry fees to: Dennis Mlodzik/Golf Outing Committee, W5223 Oak Tree Ln., Princeton, WI 54968.
Call Den or Cindy Mlodzik (920-229-6410) or Mike or Julie Sosinsky (920-229-5511) to request a registration form or with any questions.