PRINCETON — Plans are underway for St. John Catholic School’s 15th annual Golf Benefit to be held on Sunday, May 17, at White Lake Country Club in Montello, with a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m.
The monies raised have helped offset the operating costs for the school.
The four-person team scramble costs $100 per person for each four-person team. The fee includes 18 holes of golf, a cart, and dinner.
The first place team will receive $400, second place team $300, and third place team $200. In addition, business-sponsored holes will offer numerous prizes.
A putting contest will be held at 11 a.m. and a long drive contest at 12 noon. There will be a hole-in-one contest for a prize of $10,000.
Various levels of sponsorship are available. A $1,000 donation brings recognition as a Gold Sponsor and will allow two foursomes to golf in the tournament.
A donation of $500 brings recognition as a Silver Sponsor and allows for one foursome of golf. A donation of $400 brings recognition as a Bronze Sponsor with one foursome.
For a $25 donation, there are two options: advertise a business on a golf cart for the day or sponsor a hole prize.
Donations are also being sought for door prizes. Donations of cash or goods may be tax deductible. Send donations and/or entry fee to: St. John Catholic School Golf Benefit c/o St. John Church, 1211 W. Main St., Princeton, WI 54968.
For more information, contact Todd Morris, 920-294-6207, or St. John School, 920-295-3541.