STOUGHTON — St. Ann Parish will hold a Holiday Gift Fair at St. Ann School, 324 N. Harrison St., on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 10, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Proceeds will help defray expenses for parish youth events.
Over 30 vendors will be present at the Gift Fair, including local artists with African straw baskets, honey and related products, dream catchers, wine bottle decorations, evergreen wreaths and ropes, rolled paper art, wooden Christian trivets, birdhouse gourds, jewelry, quilted/knit/crochet and sewn items, jar mixes and gift baskets, homemade pet treats and dog collars, and more.
Also present will be vendors from Wildtree, Tastefully Simple, Clever Container, Usborne Books, Watkins, Miche, Scentsy, Tupperware, Mary Kay, Origami Owl, Thirty-One Gifts, Lia Sophia, Paparazzi, Norwex, Arbonne, BioMat4Autism, and more.
One vendor will be selling homemade donuts, lefsa, bread, cookies, and pies. The students will also be selling refreshments during the fair.
Questions should be directed to Cathie Truehl by phone at 608-873-7633 or by email at