Dive into a great mystery is the invitation. The mystery of our faith is the story.
Summer is usually a special time to get in a little extra reading, but the season is already appearing in the rear view mirror. Both a page turner and a good read, it cannot wait. This mystery is all about the fact that Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.
Okay, so it’s not a new mystery, but when it comes to a “who done it,” it is unsurpassable. All it needs is for you and me, if we have not already done so, to apply the classic questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how.
But doesn’t everyone know those answers? Well, yes and no. They may know some answers, but, dollars to doughnuts, they probably do not know my answers or your answers.
In short, not all people who know us know about Jesus Christ nor do they want to know about him. However, if they ever do ask, let us be ready to have something to say.
After all, isn’t this what all of our fall parish and diocesan programs are about? Aren’t we trying to keep growing in our ability to answer our own and other peoples’ questions about the mystery of life and our purpose here on earth in light of Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ who has died, is risen, and will come again?
So, let us renew our efforts to help our young people and one another from having to say something to having something to say when asked about the mystery of our Catholic faith.
Who is Jesus to me? What did he do? When and where was he? Where is he now? Why did he say what he said? How does this have to do with me? You get the idea.
Build your own case from the clues given us in Sacred Scripture and the teaching of the Church. But let us dive into this great mystery of our faith with renewed interest at class, at Mass, at home, at work, and elsewhere by studying, practicing, praying, and proclaiming it together.
To paraphrase, life in Jesus Christ is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived. As mysteries go, we will never want to put this one down. That’s because our lives have always been and always will be about him who has died, is risen, and will come again.
Msgr. Daniel Ganshert is the vicar general for the Diocese of Madison.