REEDSBURG — The joint Justice & Peace Commission of three Sauk County Catholic parishes (Sacred Heart-Reedsburg, Holy Family-LaValle, and St. Boniface-Lime Ridge) is holding its eighth annual Food Fair & Farmers’ Market on Saturday, March 3, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Sacred Heart School Gym in Reedsburg.
The fair is an effort to support local growers, help people purchase locally grown foods, and educate the public about sustainably-grown and locally-produced foods. There will be a gym full of vendors offering pastured meats, vegetables, grains, flours, seeds, preserves, cheese, bakery goods, maple syrup, mushrooms, and honey.
Exhibitors will provide information on farmers’ markets, CSAs, and organizations supporting local food movements. The fair will also include mini-sessions on container gardening, flowers for pollinators, fermenting foods, and a food demonstration.
For questions, call 608-524-3373 or email