MADISON — Many of us know that life is becoming increasingly chaotic in America, and there is a growing opinion that elements of our culture and even our government no longer regards life as valued or sacred.
Many people who are pro-life consider it very difficult or even impossible to change our culture and our government on their own.
Importance of the Eucharist
The Most Holy Eucharist — as the source and summit of the Christian life — separates us from sin, strengthens us, and unites us more closely to Christ. We receive sacramental graces from the Eucharist that help us work with God in the salvation of other people for the growth of the Body of Christ, the Church. As members of the Church, strengthened by grace, we are able to call people to conversion on developing a culture of life in America.
In response to the changing culture in our society, the Wisconsin State Council Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a “Culture of Life” essay contest for students in grades seven through 12, in public, private, and home schools, of any (or no) religious denomination.Essay contest details
This year’s essay contest theme is: “How can the Holy Eucharist help the Catholic Church develop a culture of life in America?” Students should submit their essays to their local Knights of Columbus Council essay chairman no later than October 31, 2013.
In the Diocese of Madison, a $25 gift card and certificate will be awarded to each grade level winners. Diocesan winners will also be invited to record their essay at Relevant Radio 1240 for playback on “The Diocese of Madison This Week” radio show.
Diocesan winners advance to the state level where first place receives a $75 gift card and plaque and second place receives a $50 gift card and a certificate.
Complete contest details and entry forms are available from your local Knights of Columbus Council or at, keyword “essay.”