But some people do not have a background in Catholic schools. They may wish to provide support, but how do they go about doing that without personal experience?
One way is to give to a Catholic school in your parish, community, or diocese. In the Diocese of Madison, we have 46 great Catholic schools that would welcome your support. To find these schools, our diocese even has an online school finder (https://madisondiocese.org/schoolfinder).
In addition, you might consider donating to the new Catholic Schools Collection being promoted this week in the Diocese of Madison. Simply use the envelope enclosed in this week’s Catholic Herald or donate directly online at: https://madisondiocese.org/donate
Superintendent of Catholic Schools Michael Lancaster says in an article in this week’s paper, “All funds donated using the enclosed envelope or the online portal will be made available to all parish elementary schools through a grant process where schools will apply for funds to meet specific needs. All funds collected will be awarded directly to schools.”
Remember, too, as Mr. Lancaster suggests, to pray for all those involved in Catholic schools as they prepare to start the school year.