PORTAGE — St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, Portage, will be celebrating a Mass in remembrance of Blessed Margaret of Costello for the cognitive and physically disabled and their parents, caregivers, and guardians.
The celebration will be on Saturday, April 27, at the 4 p.m. Mass. People of all faiths are invited and welcome. There will be a delicious dinner to follow in the school cafeteria.
Reservations for the dinner are required. We would request that the caregivers, parents, and guardians attend the dinner in order to assist those they care for.
We are looking forward to a wonderful celebration filled with community, food, and fun.
Contact Anne Zydowsky, 608-742-4912, or Karen Zepecki, 608-742-7686, kazepecki@gmail.com with questions.
The parish office will start taking dinner reservations around April 1.