MADISON — The Madison Diocesan Choir currently is seeking new members for all sections of the choir. The choir rehearses on Tuesday evenings (7 to 9:30 p.m.) in the chapel of the Bishop O’Connor Center on Madison’s west side. (We especially would like to add tenors and basses.)
You don’t have to be a pro! We‘re looking for people with pleasant voices who are willing to work toward our goal of singing God’s praise with full hearts, minds, and voices.
Members of the choir come from many parishes in the diocese, including Madison, Middleton, Ashton, Cambridge, Cross Plains, Jefferson, Monroe, Oregon, Sauk City, Spring Green, Stoughton, Sun Prairie, and Waterloo.
The choir sings about once each month. These engagements vary from several annual diocesan Masses celebrated by Bishop Robert C. Morlino (Chrism Mass, Ordination, etc.) and parish visits for Saturday evening Masses. We also present the popular Lessons and Carols in December and our annual spring concert in May.
The choir calendar currently has openings for three to four parish visits. Normally, the choir will visit a parish for a Saturday evening Mass at which we offer a lengthy prelude or “mini-concert.” The choir doesn’t charge a fee, but we ask parishes to host a reception or simple meal for us after Mass, if the parish is able.
More information is available on our website at If you would like to join, contact Patrick Gorman, director, at 608-821-3081 or