MADISON — “Depression: Signs, Triggers, and Where You Can Turn for Help” is the topic of a presentation on Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. in the Our Lady Queen of Peace Church gathering space, 401 S. Owen Dr., sponsored by the parish Respect Life Committee.
Everyone feels sad or apathetic at times, but if that feeling lingers and gets in the way of daily activities, it could be a sign of something more. Depression is not a sign of weakness, “feeling sorry for yourself,” or something you can “just get over.” It’s a medical condition that affects millions of people from children to adults and should be taken seriously.
All are invited to attend this informative presentation followed by a Q&A. Speaker will be Sarah Henrickson, LCSW, crisis intervention/law enforcement liaison for the Emergency Service Unit and Journey Mental Health Center, Madison. She is a licensed clinical social worker and provides a variety of crisis intervention services to all ages — including suicide risk assessments and psychiatric evaluations.
For more information, contact Vicky Franchino at 608-238-8219 or