BARABOO — Our Lady of Fatima Circle hosted the 57th state convention of the Daughters of Isabella at St. Joseph Church recently.
Mass was celebrated by Msgr. James Bartylla, vicar general of the Diocese of Madison, with St. Joseph Pastor Fr. James Poster and Parochial Vicar Fr. Garrett Kau concelebrating.
Kicking off the morning session, colors were presented by the Girl Scouts of Badgerland color guard, followed by Baraboo Mayor Michael Palm’s welcome. Mayor Palm spoke of the rich culture, dedicated citizens, deep history, and beauty of Baraboo.
The St. Joseph Knights of Columbus served a delicious lunch after which local talent Dave Saloutus, ringmaster of Circus World, presented an incredible journey from the beginning of the circus in the 1800s to today.
The afternoon session began with the election and installation of officers. Installed by International Director Sharon Hengehold of Illinois were State Regent Sue Wendt, Hartford; State Vice Regent Nancy Chestnut, Baraboo; and State Treasurer Janet Zehren, Fond du Lac.
In review of the state’s activities, it was noted that in the past two years the Wisconsin Daughters of Isabella have volunteered 11,082 hours and donated $6,089 to church organizations, schools, and various civic organizations.
Celebrating 118 years of existence, the Daughters of Isabella is an organization of Catholic women dedicated to serving God by being of service to others. The Daughters’ focus, “to improve the quality of life for all mankind in unity, friendship, and charity,” can seem overwhelming, but with many busy hands and prayers, we can make a difference.
New members are always welcome. For more information, contact Nancy Chestnut at 608-963-4431.