MADISON — In the Diocese of Madison, the Chrism Mass will be celebrated on Holy Tuesday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m., at St. Maria Goretti Church, 5313 Flad Ave.
Bishop Robert C. Morlino will be the principal celebrant with priests of the diocese concelebrating.
At the Mass, oils to be used during the coming year are blessed, including the Oils of the Sick, of Catechumens, and of Chrism. Also at the Mass, the priests renew their vows of service to the Church.
St. Maria Goretti Church is handicapped accessible. Listening devices for the hearing impaired are available and there is reserved seating for the deaf community with an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter. Large print copies of the program will be available.
The Chrism Mass is part of the observance of Holy Week, which begins with Palm Sunday, April 9, and concludes with Easter Sunday, April 16.