(Catholic Herald photo/Kevin Wondrash)
MADISON — In response to what he called a “crisis” in the Catholic Church, Bishop Robert C. Morlino called for greater reverence in the liturgy during his homily at the annual Chrism Mass celebrated on April 11 at St. Maria Goretti Church in Madison.
The bishop encouraged diocesan priests, starting in the fall, to emphasize the importance of people receiving Communion on the tongue while kneeling.
At the start of Mass, he thanked everyone for coming to the annual “great and unique celebration of our Chrism Mass . . . thanks to all of you from the heart.”
The annual Mass marks the occasion when oils to be used in sacraments during the coming year are blessed, including the Oils of the Sick, of Catechumens, and of Chrism.
Also at the Mass, priests of the diocese renew their vows of service to the Church.
Transitional Deacon Jared Holzhuter was Deacon of the Word. Katherine Walsh, Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish in Madison, and Craig Wood, St. Bernard Parish in Middleton, were readers.
Diocesan seminarians were servers for the Mass.
The Madison Diocesan Choir, under the direction of Patrick Gorman, led the music.
Mary Fruits served as the interpreter for the hearing impaired.
Following Bishop Morlino’s homily, priests of the diocese in attendance stood up to renew their commitment to priestly service.
They resolved to renew the promises they made at their ordinations, to be more united with Jesus, and not to seek any gain, but be moved only by zeal for souls.
Presenting and blessing the oils
Deacons in attendance — Deacons Jerome Buhman and Dick Martin from St. Maria Goretti Parish and Deacon Jim Hoegemeier, associate director of the Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities — presented the oils to the bishop.
To read Bishop Robert C. Morlino’s Chrism Mass homily, click here.
New this year in the diocesan celebration of the Chrism Mass, the Oil of the Sick was blessed following the Eucharistic Prayer.
This was done according to tradition in the Church, which dates back as early as the eighth century.
“Bless this oil and sanctify it for your use,” Bishop Morlino prayed. “Make this oil a remedy for all who are anointed with it. Heal them in body, and in soul, and in spirit, and deliver them in every affliction.”
Following Communion, Bishop Morlino blessed the Oil of the Catechumens, praying “bless this oil and give wisdom and strength to all who are anointed with it in preparation for their Baptism.”
He then consecrated the Sacred Chrism, along with the concelebrating priests, praying, “make this mixture of oil and perfume a sign and source of your blessing . . . Pour out the gifts of your Holy Spirit on our brothers and sisters who will be anointed with it.”
Distributing the oils
Following the blessings and consecrations, Fr. Eric Sternberg, diocesan Presbyteral Council chair and pastor of St. Cecilia Parish in Wisconsin Dells, called each parish forth by its vicariate to receive the oils to take back to their parishes.
The oils were used at each parish during the Easter Triduum and will be used throughout the year.