As we enter into the Advent season, we ponder the fact that Jesus came to us through Mary.
Similarly, He desires for all of us to come to Him through her. We acknowledge that she, who said, “Fiat — let it be done to me according to your word,” is indeed a special channel of grace for encountering Our Lord.
Spiritual writers have compared Jesus and Mary to the sun and moon.
Jesus is the Light of the World that dispels the darkness of sin and death.
The sun shines with its own light and there is nothing to compare to it in the sky.
However, the moon rules the night despite having no light of its own. The lunar illumination is entirely reflective of the sun’s rays.
Like the moon, everything Mary has and offers comes directly from her Son.
She perfectly models to us how we can also allow the light of God to shine upon others in our lives.
As we prepare our hearts and our homes to receive Our Savior once again this Christmas, let us ask the Immaculate Virgin Mary to assist us in intentionally inviting others to come to know, love, and serve the Lord.
May our Advent joy both attract and inspire others to embrace their Baptismal calling, especially our loved ones, friends, and acquaintances who may have drifted away from the Faith.
The holidays can be a time of tension for some. May the calm we exhibit manifest the peace of heart we experience due to our growing intimate relationship with Christ.
The Rosary is a wonderful way to contemplate the mystery of the Incarnation and help prepare us for Christ’s Second Coming.
Let us humbly implore the Blessed Mother for the graces needed to seize the opportunities to share our love for Jesus and to heal any past wounds and divisions.
As only a mother can, she will soften the most hardened of hearts with her motherly tenderness and love by her prayers.
Since “Jesus is the reason for the season,” let us ask her for the special graces needed to say the right thing in the most appropriate time and appealing manner to those distant from the Lord.
Lastly, allow the Blessed Mother to use you as her humble instrument to radiantly reflect the light of Christ in a darkened world and so illuminate others to the truth that will set them free.
O Mary, you are the special channel of grace who brought us your Beloved Son, who is the true Light of the World. During this Advent season, help us to radiate the Light of Christ to others — especially the lost, the least, and the longing. Immaculate Virgin Mother of the Eternal Word, may we be your humble instruments to attract and inspire others by our witness and words, so that all may come to know, love, and serve Jesus, Our Lord and Our Savior. Amen.