MADISON — Join the Cathedral Parish for a pilgrimage on Saturday, Nov. 8. Pilgrims will spend the day in spiritual preparation for receiving the Eucharist.
Sr. Patricia Vinje will share her reflections on prayer and guide the pilgrims through many devotions of the day. Msgr. Kevin Holmes will share his insights into the Eucharist as well as celebrate the 5 p.m. Mass when participants return to Madison.
Pilgrims will travel by motor coach to the Sauk City area and visit Valley of Our Lady Cistercian Monastery and Wollersheim Winery to learn about bread and wine production. During the visit, pilgrims will also collect both species of the Eucharist to be utilized at the Masses for that weekend. The schedule is:
- 9:15 a.m.: Coach bus leaves St. Patrick Church, Madison
- 10:30 a.m.: Arrive at Valley of Our Lady Monastery
- 12 noon: Pray Divine Office, followed by lunch
- 1:20 p.m.: Arrive at Wollersheim Winery
- 2:30 p.m.: Arrive at St. Norbert Church, Roxbury, to pray the Stations of the Cross
- 4:45 p.m.: Return to St. Patrick Church
- 5 p.m.: Celebrate Vigil Mass at St. Patrick Church
Cost is $35 per parishioner ($45 for non-parishioner) which includes transportation, donation, and a sandwich buffet lunch.
Checks, payable to the Cathedral Parish, must be received before Tuesday, Oct. 28. To register, contact the parish office at 608-257-5000 or email Space is limited to the first 50 pilgrims.