Welcome to Lent, everyone. Welcome to 40-plus days (actual number dependent upon how you handle Sundays, solemnities, and so on) of prayer, fasting, almsgiving, “giving up” things, and not eating meat on certain days.
Category: Opinion
How to live in a ‘bad news’ world
we know that all is well and all will be well because Jesus was born, died, and rose again all in the name of the “Good News”.
Election season is coming
Just a few days from now, on Monday, Jan. 15, the 2024 election season gets formally underway.
An open letter to 2023
Dear 2023, it’s almost time to say “goodbye”. Soon you’ll be nothing but a memory getting further and further away.
Christmas time is (almost) here again
Christmas will be here before you know it and whether you like it or not.
Here comes the snow
Earlier this year, I waxed poetic about the coming of summer and warm weather.
The stress of working on holidays
I’m blessed to have major holidays off of work now. There was a time — during my past life working in local TV news — when this was not the case.
From man to myth to truth
The facts are this: John F. Kennedy was the first Catholic elected to the office of President of the United States in November of 1960 and he was assassinated on November 22, 1963, almost 60 years ago.
‘This is the end’?
Contrary to one’s hope, thought, or assumption, I do have a life outside of the Catholic Herald.
Vocation first
Are you living out your vocation every minute of every day of every year to your fullest potential? I’m not.