The tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis has caused us to be more aware of the racism and injustice that have plagued our country for centuries.
Category: Opinion
Men interact with families
To the editor:
During the pandemic, so many men have been staying home. I have seen a lot of them interacting with their family members.
Let’s be on fire for new Evangelization Initiative
Bishop Donald J. Hying is officially launching his Evangelization Initiative in the Diocese of Madison on Pentecost Sunday, celebrated on May 31 this year.
Close encounters with St. John Paul II
As we mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of St. John Paul II this week, it provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the pontificate of this remarkable Holy Father.
COVID-19 is much more lethal than influenza; we should choose to protect life and health
To the editor:
A recent letter writer to this newspaper (04/30/20) asked the question, “Do we think that COVID-19 virus is going away soon?” And though I agree with him that it is not, I do disagree with his view that we should have been more concerned about the economy.
Support people with mental illness
A close relative in my family, who is now deceased, struggled for many years with mental illness.
Although she sought help from psychiatrists, had regular counseling sessions, and took prescribed drugs, she still dealt with the problem of depression.
Reader says paper’s coverage of the coronavirus included ‘gossip and misinformation’
To the editor:
Gossip and misinformation are not what I expect to see in the Catholic Herald, but its April 30 edition gave us both in its coverage of the coronavirus.
Helping mothers in need
As Mother’s Day approaches on Sunday, May 10, our thoughts turn to the importance of all mothers in our lives.
Be generous in giving
During the coronavirus pandemic, many Catholic parishes throughout the country have experienced a decline in weekly collections.
It makes sense to put America back to work
To the editor:
Do we think that COVID-19 virus is going away soon?
How is it that the flu virus shows up every fall throughout the United States and the world?