All over the country, people are suffering from the effects of an economic crisis worse than we’ve experienced since the Great Depression of the 20th century.
Category: Opinion
We must work to end ‘slaughter of the innocents’
To the editor:
In our Christ the King Sunday Gospel, Jesus proclaims: “Amen I say to you. What you did NOT do for one of these least ones, you did NOT do for me.” And these will go off to eternal punishment.
Resist efforts to change UN Declaration of Human Rights
Two world wars in the first half of the 20th Century were a wake-up call to people around the world. They realized that peace in the world could not be achieved without respect for the dignity and rights of all persons.
Stopping FOCA is of utmost importance to our nation
To the editor:
Grateful thanks to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops who, at their recent meeting, recognized the dangers of the so-called Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) and spoke passionately in opposition. Stopping FOCA is of the utmost priority and necessity. Why? Because FOCA places women and unborn babies in peril, silences your voices, and ignores your values.
Paper should not publish congratulations to Obama
To the editor:
I first want to thank you for doing such a good job of publishing articles and letters which were aimed at helping Catholics make an informed choice in the past election.
Thanks for your generosity: People in diocese reach out to those in need
The past year has presented many challenges to people in the Diocese of Madison. Last winter we had a record snowfall exceeding 100 inches in the city of Madison and throughout much of our 11-county diocese.
Lay faithful should promote ‘Cardinal Parishes’
To the editor:
Since the elections, there has been a great deal of analysis of what the bishops did or did not do, especially about pro-life issues, but the truth is: bishops do what the bishops do. Our job is to do what we are to do, which includes improving the spiritual opportunities and atmosphere of our parishes.
There is still time to protest Freedom of Choice Act
To the editor:
I read the article by Bishop Jerome E. Listecki in the November 6, 2008, edition of the Catholic Herald. In particular his comments on the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) were a call to action. Please review his article to grasp the nefarious nature of this act.
Church in public arena: prays, teaches, speaks out
Several readers of the Catholic Herald contacted our office last week expressing dismay that our paper carried Catholic News Service articles about Catholic bishops and Pope Benedict XVI congratulating President-elect Barack Obama and offering prayers for him. The readers seemed to think the articles indicated an endorsement of Obama and all of his views, particularly his support of abortion rights and embryonic stem-cell research.
Bishop can’t compromise on Church teachings
To the editor:
In his letter on November 6, Wayne Sigelko seems to imply that Bishop Robert C. Morlino will water down and compromise the dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church to please the followers of the schismatic underground American Catholic Church. Dream on!