To the editor:
There has been a lot written lately about Catholics participating in the Iraq War. I know some of the authors, in particular Fr. Jim Murphy whom I both love and admire.
To the editor:
There has been a lot written lately about Catholics participating in the Iraq War. I know some of the authors, in particular Fr. Jim Murphy whom I both love and admire.
To the editor:
See for videos from the January 31, 2009, pro-life rally in Madison. He also has a link to Mayo which describes the second trimester development. At 16-weeks girls have millions of eggs forming in the ovaries. At 22-weeks girls have uterus and ovaries in place — complete with a lifetime supply of eggs.
To the editor:
I applaud and support Bishop Morlino’s efforts to prevent President Obama’s promise to sign the proposed “Freedom of Choice Act” by providing protest cards.
To the editor:
Fr. Jim Murphy’s letter to the editor in the December 25, 2008, issue of the Catholic Herald, advocating that Catholics reject support and participation in the U.S. military, is a blow to all Catholics that have family serving our country.
To the editor:
We Catholic Christians have the right, some would say the responsibility, to disagree with our government based on the teachings of Jesus and of the Church. That is why I agree with Fr. Jim Murphy’s December 25 letter and his belief that, considering current conditions, military service should be rejected at this time.
From one Murphy to another:
I want to respond to Fr. Jim Murphy’s letter to the editor printed in the December 25 issue of the Catholic Herald:
Since the beginning of 2009, the topic of abortion seems to be the topic of discussion at the local, state, and national levels.
To the editor:
I wish to add to Fr. Jim Murphy’s concerns (December 25, 2008) about our military policy, especially his points on militarism and torture.
To the editor:
Fr. Jim Murphy’s letter in the December 25 edition makes an excellent case against our country’s military intervention in Iraq.
During the past two weeks, I’ve talked informally with both employees and patients of the University of Wisconsin and Meriter Hospital about the proposal to offer second-trimester abortions at the Madison Surgery Center at 1 S. Park St.