To the editor:
Can we expect a good outcome from a culture that enables any sexual behavior at any time and then tries to “bail out” the “victim” using abortion, Gardasil, HIV drugs, psychotherapy, etc?
To the editor:
Can we expect a good outcome from a culture that enables any sexual behavior at any time and then tries to “bail out” the “victim” using abortion, Gardasil, HIV drugs, psychotherapy, etc?
To the editor:
In our Christ the King Sunday Gospel, Jesus proclaims: “Amen I say to you. What you did NOT do for one of these least ones, you did NOT do for me.” And these will go off to eternal punishment.
To the editor:
Grateful thanks to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops who, at their recent meeting, recognized the dangers of the so-called Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) and spoke passionately in opposition. Stopping FOCA is of the utmost priority and necessity. Why? Because FOCA places women and unborn babies in peril, silences your voices, and ignores your values.
To the editor:
I first want to thank you for doing such a good job of publishing articles and letters which were aimed at helping Catholics make an informed choice in the past election.
To the editor:
Since the elections, there has been a great deal of analysis of what the bishops did or did not do, especially about pro-life issues, but the truth is: bishops do what the bishops do. Our job is to do what we are to do, which includes improving the spiritual opportunities and atmosphere of our parishes.
To the editor:
It is with utter shock and disgust that as lifetime Catholics, we received in our mail the November 13th edition of your paper and viewed the headline, “Catholics congratulate Obama, offer prayers for administration.”
To the editor:
This is in response to Tony Magliano’s column in the November 6 edition of the Catholic Herald: “We the people must go beyond elections.”
To the editor:
I would like some answers to these questions:
Why is it okay for Congress to give 700 plus billion dollars to banks and corporations that made poor financial decisions?
To the editor:
I read the article by Bishop Jerome E. Listecki in the November 6, 2008, edition of the Catholic Herald. In particular his comments on the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) were a call to action. Please review his article to grasp the nefarious nature of this act.
To the editor:
In his letter on November 6, Wayne Sigelko seems to imply that Bishop Robert C. Morlino will water down and compromise the dogmatic teachings of the Catholic Church to please the followers of the schismatic underground American Catholic Church. Dream on!