To the editor:
We want to sincerely thank all of the wonderful participants in the Rosary Crusade held at St. Joseph Church on Sunday, Oct. 15, in Fort Atkinson, as well as those who attended the movie The 13th Day.
To the editor:
We want to sincerely thank all of the wonderful participants in the Rosary Crusade held at St. Joseph Church on Sunday, Oct. 15, in Fort Atkinson, as well as those who attended the movie The 13th Day.
To the editor:
Regarding the article by Tony Magliano, “A world awash with weapons,” October 12 issue.
Very nice thought that we could stop manufacturing weapons and turn that production processing into producing humane products. Unfortunately, according to the Scriptures, that is not the age we live in. That age will come with the Messianic Kingdom when Christ rules (Isaiah 2:1-5, Micah 4:1-5).
To the editor:
I disagree with the comments Senator Ron Johnson made in response to a question from a New Berlin High School student (September 28, 2017) as to whether health care was a right or a privilege.
The senator not only said that health care was not a right, but he indicated that food, shelter, and clothing also were not rights.
To the editor:
Most people know a family member, friend, or neighbor who has had a traumatic health problem. In our family, it was when our two-year-old son ran into the highway as a car came over the hill. Comprehensive health insurance freed us from worrying about costs and let us concentrate on our son’s needs.
Anyone who experiences a similar disaster can imagine what other people go through in such a crisis. Empathizing with fellow Americans is natural in a country founded on the belief that we are all created equal. Equality in feeling suffering leads to equality in relieving and preventing suffering.
To the editor:
Last week’s article in the Catholic Herald highlights efforts to help victims of Hurricane Harvey as well as Bishop Morlino’s collection for Catholic Charities USA. These efforts are commendable.
To the editor:
While not yet Catholic, I attended many Latin Masses before Vatican II. The formal beauty and solemnity of the processions, the cross, the priest’s vestments — all inspired reverence.
I followed the spoken Latin, although not all of it was audible. Many parishioners not understanding Latin prayed the Rosary, following which they received Communion on the tongue, kneeling at a rail.
To the editor:
R. Jared Staudt’s article (July 27 issue of Catholic Herald) suggesting the Church use both the Extraordinary Form (with priest facing ad orientem) and Novus Ordo rites was interesting.
The Extraordinary Form offers much rich music, protocol, vestments, rubrical gestures, and the ranking and roles of the celebrants. God is adored and worshiped, and this worship is strictly conducted. Much attention is given to well-defined ritualistic human behaviors and postures which are meant to indicate the pious devotion of each worshiper.
The Novus Ordo offers a simpler worship . . . a community called by Christ nourished and fed in Word and sacred sacrament, and gathered around the living and active Christ who is present in the celebrant, the Word, His holy body and blood . . . and His people.
To the editor:
The commentary by Boyd Cathey, “The triumph of lunacy,” in the July 13 Catholic Herald, illustrates how far we can stray from the words of Jesus in Matthew 5-7 in our zeal to protect our Church.
I spent 42 years among students at what he characterized as a supposed center of higher education. Gullible, soul-less students? Hardly. They were too ethical and asked too many questions. And when they studied the Greek philosophers, they found men who engaged in discourse with and entertained the views of those with whom they differed.
To the editor:
Fr. Bevil Bramwell’s article in the July 27 issue of the Catholic Herald entitled, “The Church and the New Left,” is a brilliantly expressed commentary on America’s societal ills.
One of my favorite expressions is that you cannot serve two masters. When people react politically due to ill conceived and wrongful “handouts” and ignore the Church truths, they are “denying their integrity as human beings.”
To the editor:
Kudos to Bishop Robert Morlino and Mary Uhler for demonstrating the courage, character, and integrity to publish Fr. Bevil Bramwell’s article revealing the truth about the “new left.”