Since the beginning of 2009, the topic of abortion seems to be the topic of discussion at the local, state, and national levels.
Category: Editorial
Take action to stop abortion plan
During the past two weeks, I’ve talked informally with both employees and patients of the University of Wisconsin and Meriter Hospital about the proposal to offer second-trimester abortions at the Madison Surgery Center at 1 S. Park St.
We need to stop Freedom of Choice Act again
The 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion on demand for the full nine months of pregnancy. Attempts to overrule that decision by passing a Human Life Amendment have failed.
Promote vocations; stop abortion
This week I had several topics for an editorial. Since I couldn’t single out just one topic, I decided to write on two important issues — perhaps more connected than at first glance!
Promote peace in the Holy Land
It was especially distressing to follow news of the escalating conflict between Israel and Palestine during the Christmas season. How sad that the place of Jesus’ birth — the Holy Land — suffers from hostilities that seem insurmountable.
Expand your hearts and build peace
The World Day of Prayer for Peace, celebrated on New Year’s Day, is highlighted by the Holy Father’s message. This year, Pope Benedict XVI set the theme “Fighting Poverty to Build Peace.”
Help those affected by economic crisis
All over the country, people are suffering from the effects of an economic crisis worse than we’ve experienced since the Great Depression of the 20th century.
Resist efforts to change UN Declaration of Human Rights
Two world wars in the first half of the 20th Century were a wake-up call to people around the world. They realized that peace in the world could not be achieved without respect for the dignity and rights of all persons.
Thanks for your generosity: People in diocese reach out to those in need
The past year has presented many challenges to people in the Diocese of Madison. Last winter we had a record snowfall exceeding 100 inches in the city of Madison and throughout much of our 11-county diocese.
Church in public arena: prays, teaches, speaks out
Several readers of the Catholic Herald contacted our office last week expressing dismay that our paper carried Catholic News Service articles about Catholic bishops and Pope Benedict XVI congratulating President-elect Barack Obama and offering prayers for him. The readers seemed to think the articles indicated an endorsement of Obama and all of his views, particularly his support of abortion rights and embryonic stem-cell research.