How much are you willing to give up as a person to be accomplished?
How many accomplishments are you willing to give up to be a good person?
Category: Editorial
Forever or not, whichever comes first
There are some people in our lives who were only meant to be with us for a certain amount of time. The Bible has many instances of people going their separate ways — Paul and Barnabas, Abraham and Lot (I know they were family members). It happens.
We won’t know until we get there
You will never fully know what the future will be when you pick a direction. All you know is God sees it all and knows what’s best for you.
The sound(s) of silence
What if I told you that there is a simple way to hear God talking to you? You would be pretty interested and intrigued, right? What if I told you the secret is silence? Notice I said “simple” and not “easy”.
Looking for the Faith within jazz
For many people, the Catholic faith and jazz music don’t go together well, and in many instances, they don’t.
However, the music and the personalities are just as flawed and human as we all are (and some songs and musicians are actually very full of beauty and goodness).
More to a prayer, more to life
We can’t control the world, but we can control our own actions and, through God’s grace, let Him work on the world with what we offer.
The search for wisdom at any age
Wisdom is definitely something we need to have more of or make more use of, and it’s something that needs to grow and be striven for more through the grace and blessings of God.
The truth about wishes coming true
When I was younger than I am now (no one can agree or believe how old I am anyway so use whatever math you like), I would think about fantastic things as if they were potential reality.
Goodbye does mean ‘forever’?
No, I’m not leaving. Please keep reading. Never judge a headline by its cover, which is sound advice for all forms of writing.
Who are we?
You may choose the political figure of your choice, but I hope we can reflect on words such as those that Robert Kennedy made on that night in 1968 when Dr. King was shot, as he said, “What we need in the United States is not division; what we need in the United States is not hatred; what we need in the United States is not violence or lawlessness; but love and wisdom, and compassion toward one another.”