MADISON — Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison and the diocesan Office of Rural Life will host listening sessions beginning Tuesday evening, Aug. 31, in Monroe.
Category: News
‘Ordinary’ people, extraordinary examples
There are 300,000 Catholics in the Diocese of Madison. 300,000 souls. 300,000 stories.
Outdoor Rosary in Dodgeville
DODGEVILLE — The Knights of Columbus Council 4871 will be hosting an outdoor Rosary at the Kramer Shrine outside of Dodgeville.
Former seminary is renovated for use as diocesan pastoral center
After the Diocese of Madison closed Holy Name Seminary in Madison in 1995, a year of transition in 1996 was spent studying plans for use of the renamed Holy Name Catholic Center.
Masks required indoors at Edgewood College
Madison — Edgewood College announced students, faculty, staff, and visitors will be required to wear masks when inside campus buildings. The updated protocol comes in response to a national trend of an increase in COVID-19 cases, attributed to the Delta variant.
‘Treasures of the Church’ coming to diocese on August 5
You’ll have a chance to venerate more than 150 relics of saints on Thursday, Aug. 5.
Students offer support to dairy farmers
As a result of having learned about the plight of the dairy farmers in the area, the seventh and eighth-graders searched for ways in which to show their appreciation for and support of the farmers and their families.
Outdoor Rosary on August 15
You are cordially invited to an Outdoor Rosary on Sunday, Aug. 15, at 1 p.m. It will be at Mary’s Rosary Garden at the Wiesbrook Farm, 775 Hwy. DDD in Mineral Point.
Outdoor Mass at St. James, Vermont, site returns on August 1
The annual outdoor Mass at the St. James, Vermont, site will be held on Sunday, Aug 1, at 1 p.m.
Installation of Lay Dominican members set for August 8
A ceremony celebrating the Receptions, and the First and the Life Professions for the Lay Dominican community will be on Sunday, Aug. 8, during the 11 a.m. Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church, 2116 Hollister Ave., Madison.