The cornerstone of St. Raphael Church in Madison was laid in 1854. It was later to become the cathedral church of the newly erected Diocese of Madison in 1946.
Category: News
Wisconsin bishops urge support for Afghan guests at Fort McCoy
Wisconsin’s Catholic bishops have issued a statement in support of those displaced from Afghanistan and residing at Fort McCoy.
Who are we in this world?
As this world feels more frenzied, divided, and distracted, I find myself tempted to idealize the seemingly simpler ways of ages past.
Presbyteral Assembly to be held on September 19 to 22 in Wisconsin Dells
WISCONSIN DELLS — Priests of the Diocese of Madison will be gathering Sunday through Wednesday, Sept. 19 to 22, at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells for their 41st annual Presbyteral Assembly.
40 Days for Life to start on September 22
MADISON — The latest fall campaign of 40 Days for Life in Madison — 40 days of prayer, fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach to end abortion — will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 22.
Annual Mass at St. Paul’s Mission Church
MINERAL POINT — On August 6, a crowd of about 50 people gathered at St. Paul’s Mission Church, an 1842 limestone structure, in Mineral Point.
Bishop Robert C. Morlino is appointed fourth Bishop of Madison in 2003
On May 23, 2003, Pope John Paul II appointed Bishop Robert C. Morlino as the fourth Bishop of Madison, succeeding Bishop William H. Bullock.
Outdoor Rosary on September 19
MINERAL POINT — You are cordially invited to an Outdoor Rosary on Sunday, Sept. 19, at 1 p.m.
St. Clare of Assisi Parish hosts first Rural Life Listening Session
MONROE — The diocesan Office of Rural Life conducted its first of 11 rural listening sessions hosted by St. Clare of Assisi parish at St. Victor Church in Monroe on August 31.
Annual Catholic Appeal: Your gifts in action
MADISON — The Office of Evangelization and Catechesis (OEC) exists to aid the bishop in fulfilling his mission of proclaiming and teaching the Good News of Jesus Christ with an overarching goal to have everyone in the diocese hear every day a loving and gentle invitation to meet Jesus Christ, risen from the dead in a life-changing way.