Facing Summit Ave. in St. Paul, Minn., the University of St. Thomas boasts these magnificent arches in the Collegiate Gothic style.
Category: News
St. Christopher Parish offers ‘Encounter Nights’, a faith formation experience for all ages
It’s 4 p.m. on a Sunday night. The Sunday morning Masses are over, and yet a couple of hundred people have gathered in the church again. The music team leads the people with some praise and worship music in the front corner of the church. In the pews, some people close their eyes. Some sing along. A couple lift up their hands. It is the beginning of a two-hour “Encounter Night” held at St. Christopher Parish in Verona.
Frassati Fest 2022: ‘Behold’
How to describe Frassati Fest?
Two hundred-plus teens and adults from across the Diocese of Madison coming together for a weekend of fun, prayer, and a giant “Where’s Frassati?” game at the Kalahari resort doesn’t quite seem to cut it.
‘Mental Health Ministry: A Ministry of Accompaniment’ at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Madison
Two diocesan professional organizations, Madison Diocese Religious Educators Organization (MDREO) and Madison Diocese Pastoral Ministers Association (MDPMA), will be co-hosting a program at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, 602 Everglade Dr., Madison, on Tuesday, March 22, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. called “Mental Health Ministry: A Ministry of Accompaniment”.
Serie Cuaresmal: ‘Test’ de Presencia de Dios
Los hombres llegamos a Dios a través de los sentidos. En la belleza material, la grandeza de las cosas, la bondad creada, tenemos testigos de Dios. Incluso para acercarnos a Jesucristo, necesitamos cultivar la propia sensibilidad. Para salvarnos necesitamos conocer y amar a Dios. ‘Per aspera ad astra,’ por lo áspero, lo difícil, la lucha . . . llegamos a los ‘astros’, lo elevado, el cielo. La generación actual ha perdido la sensibilidad por lo bello, lo grande, lo bueno, por eso tanta gente está alejada hoy de Dios. Las cosas en grados diferentes reflejan las perfecciones divinas. No se puede amar lo que primero no se conoce. Nosotros solos no podemos percibir un Espíritu Puro, necesitamos partir de las obras bellas de Dios. El santo tiempo de Cuaresma es una invitación a educar los sentidos, el cuerpo, para que nos lleve a Dios. Sin ello nos quedamos con amar a Dios de ‘alguna manera’, pero no con todo el corazón . . . Y si esto es así, podemos fracasar en la vocación personal.
Support your Church through the Annual Catholic Appeal
In one way or another, every Catholic in the Diocese of Madison has benefited from the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) and the apostolates, ministries, and programs funded by its generous donors.
Mental Health First Aid training in Madison
The Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities-Diocese of Madison recently offered Mental Health First Aid training for people involved in various ministries within the diocese.
Roe from three angles: Law, language, and looking ahead
With so much in the news about the future of Roe v. Wade, Blessed Sacrament Parish, 2116 Hollister Avenue, Madison, will host a panel to explore how Roe came to be, the importance of language in discussing the issues, and historical connections pointing to future resolutions.
St. Ambrose Academy in Madison announces Dr. John Joy as dean of faculty
MADISON — St. Ambrose Academy in Madison announces with great joy that Dr. John Joy has accepted the appointment of dean of faculty, one of the most influential and important posts at the school, beginning this summer.
Peaceful, prayerful effective spring 40 Days for Life campaign to build on successes in Madison
MADISON — “The highly successful 40 Days for Life Spring campaign returns to Madison with 40 days of prayer and fasting, peaceful vigil, and community outreach,” said Gwen Finnegan, who is coordinating the local campaign.