Dean Health System and St. Mary’s Janesville Hospital have stepped forward to offer financial support for a program that would allow Janesville-area residents to earn a bachelor’s degree in the nursing field without having to leave Rock County.
Category: News
Young adults sought for retreat team
Camp Gray, a year-round Catholic retreat center and summer camp, is seeking faith-filled young adults to be part of its volunteer retreat team for the 2009 to 2010 school year.
Second Sight Campaign in parishes
Parishes are invited to contact the Office of Justice and Pastoral Outreach to engage their parish in the Second Sight Campaign. This easy project collects unused glasses, sunglasses, and hearing aids, cleans and sorts them, and sends them on to missions.
Diocesan Hispanic Choir presents concert
The Diocesan Hispanic Choir will be presenting a Concert of Favorite Hymns in Spanish on Saturday, May 16, at 8 p.m. at Holy Redeemer Church, 120 W. Johnson St.
Msgr. DeBock celebrates 60th jubilee as priest
Msgr. William DeBock, pastor emeritus, residing at the Bishop O’Connor Center, will celebrate the 60th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood with a Mass and reception on Sunday, May 24, at 3 p.m. at St. James Parish, Madison. All brother priests and friends are invited to attend.
Fr. Anthony Swamy Aakula jubilee
Fr. Anthony Swamy Aakula recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.
Papal honors for two diocesan priests
MADISON — Bishop Robert C. Morlino has announced that Pope Benedict XVI has recognized the gifts of the priests and people of the Diocese of Madison by conferring papal honors on two Madison diocesan priests.
Msgr. Delbert L. Schmelzer, diocesan director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith of the Diocese of Madison, has been named a Protonotary Apostolic (Supranumerary), and Msgr. Wilfred Schuster has been named a Prelate of Honor of His Holiness.
“These appointments bring honor on our whole presbyterate and I renew my deep gratitude for all the good that our priests do each day,” Bishop Morlino said.
Society gains new transitional deacons
SAUK CITY — The Society of Jesus Christ the Priest, which has four priests currently in the Diocese of Madison, recently ordained three young men to the transitional diaconate.
The Transitional Diaconate Ordination took place April 17 at St. Aloysius Church with Bishop Robert C. Morlino presiding.
Retirees begin Traveling Chalice Program at All Saints Neighborhood
Many of the residents at the All Saints Retirement Neighborhood, Madison, are not be able at their age to hear the call to join a religious community. But, they can still do something important to promote the culture of vocations: they can pray.
Philothea hosts bingo night for all women
The St. Aloysius Parish girls’ and women’s group Philothea is celebrating its second “birthday” this year, and women of all ages are invited to celebrate with them at their Third Annual Grandmother, Mother, Daughter Bingo Night on Saturday, May 9, beginning at 5:30 p.m. (after the 4:30 p.m. Mass) in the school gym.