BARABOO — On any given summer Saturday night in the Wisconsin Dells, one is bound to see a large group of young Catholic adults. They are likely cleaned up and celebrating the end of another week at Camp Gray, while also anticipating the next group of campers coming on Sunday.
Category: News
Catholic Charities: Helping many in the Diocese of Madison
Guided by Catholic Social Teaching, the mission of Catholic Charities is to provide compassionate, caring service designed to help those in need.
Celebrating Divine Mercy Sunday and merger
Divine Mercy Sunday will be celebrated on Sunday, April 11, at St. Aloysius Church on 115 Madison St., in Sauk City. The festivities will begin at 12:30 p.m. and conclude with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Robert C. Morlino at 4 p.m. This special Mass will also celebrate the day that St. Aloysius, St. Mary, and St. Camillus Parishes are merged into Divine Mercy Parish.
40 Days for Life events held in March
St. Aloysius Parish in Sauk City has been promoting and publicizing this spring’s 40 Days for Life by offering rides to the prayer vigil at the Madison Surgery Center, encouraging prayer and fasting with commitment cards, as well as hosting special scheduled prayer opportunities for all who wish to join together in prayer.
Retreat offers youth a chance to gain a listening heart
MADISON — “What do many of you listen to?” Bishop Robert C. Morlino asked during his homily at the Youth 2000 retreat February 27, naming off popular artists like Lady Gaga and Ludacris and gaining laughter from the youth.
Confirmed in faith universal and one
MADISON — Visitors to Wisconsin are often surprised and complimentary at how wonderful a place Wisconsin is to live. They take note of the strong sense of culture and history here, the natural beauty, and all that there is to do — both in winter and, especially, in summer.
Exploring the root causes of homelessness
MADISON — Lent is a time to consider what we do “for the least of our brothers.” Almsgiving is one of the traditional ways we act on our faith during Lent.
Update: Food, funds are reaching orphanage in Haiti
Following is an update of a story that ran in the January 28 issue of the Catholic Herald about Pam Charles, a Beloit nurse and volunteer for Health Ministries for Haiti. She was at an orphanage in Haiti when the January 12 earthquake occurred.
BELOIT — According to recent information from the orphanage at Croix Des Bouquets, Beloit nurse Pam Charles said, school classes are still not in session due to the damage from the earthquake. She said some of the wooden pieces, used for school desks, were burned to use for firewood for cooking purposes.
Jack Rogan named Irish Person of the Year
John (Jack) Rogan has been selected as the Irish Person of the Year by the Dane County Shamrock Club.
Couple to Couple League to hold convention in Green Lake
GREEN LAKE — “Happy Marriages, Happy Families” is the theme of the Couple to Couple League (CCL) international convention to be held at the Green Lake Conference Center in Green Lake August 8 to 12, 2010.
The CCL is an international, Catholic, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and teaching Natural Family Planning (NFP) to married and engaged couples. Services are provided by professionally-trained volunteers who are supported by a relatively small staff at the international headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio.
CCL convention
CCL hosts a convention every two years. It is a popular event among CCL volunteers and members. It has always been a family-centered gathering, with a full schedule of age-appropriate activities for children alongside a solid lineup of main talks and workshops for the adults.