MADISON — The theme for this year’s Diocesan Men’s Retreat (March 4 to 5) is taken from Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical, Caritas in Veritate (Charity in Truth).
Category: News
Workshops on music and new Roman Missal
The Office of Worship of the Diocese of Madison is sponsoring workshops for clergy and parish music and liturgy leaders entitled “Music and the New Roman Missal.”
Bishops champion Catholic schools, urge continued support
MADISON — The bishops of Wisconsin have published a letter to Catholics affirming the vital role Catholic schools play in their communities and urging a renewed commitment to their success. The letter, entitled “Catholic Schools and Our Church: Faith Moving Forward” will be distributed throughout the state in conjunction with this year’s annual celebration of Catholic Schools Week, January 30 through February 5.
Initiative, Stations of the Cross create powerful witness
MADISON — As the snow falls around her, a young woman walks from her car to the abortion clinic. No one came with her, and no doubt she will leave the same way. But she’s not alone.
St. Ambrose Benefit Dinner draws large crowd
MADISON — Just before Christmas, nearly 400 supporters gathered to recommit to the mission of Catholic education and especially making education in the faith available to any teenager who seeks it.
Winter farmers market and brunch to be held
Madison-area residents are increasingly seeking local foods produced on organic and sustainably-run farms.
Perpetual Adoration Chapel dedicated
Bishop Robert C. Morlino elevates the monstrance at the new Perpetual Adoration chapel at Holy Redeemer Church in Madison on December 22. (Catholic Herald photo/Joe Ptak) |
MADISON — Dennis Ganser, a parishioner at the Cathedral Parish and the proprietor of Ganser exteriors, had been an adorer for a number of years at the Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Holy Redeemer Church.
Inspired by a strong spiritual impetus from our Blessed Mother, he was moved to donate a striking antique wooden statue of the Virgin Mary to the Adoration chapel. Indeed, the new statue of Mary brought new life to the chapel.
But it was only the beginning. Mary knew Ganser’s predilection for improving and perfecting — his talent for bringing both beauty and functionality to the exterior of homes throughout Southwestern Wisconsin. And so the design of an Adoration chapel more worthy of our Lord had begun.
A persistent call to the priesthood
MADISON — David Johannes originally dreamed of being a doctor. “My desire was to help people and heal people,” he said.
Camp Gray benefits from presence of priests
Amid the usual camp trappings of games, outdoor activities, new friends, this past summer Camp Gray was able to offer an added dimension to its spiritual offerings.
Milwaukee Archdiocese files for bankruptcy protection over abuse claims
ST. FRANCIS, Wis. — A year to the day after his installation as the 11th archbishop of Milwaukee, Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki announced January 4 that he had directed archdiocesan attorneys “to file a petition for a Chapter 11 reorganization of its financial affairs under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.”
Milwaukee is the largest archdiocese to file for Chapter 11. The Archdiocese of Portland, Ore., with approximately 390,000 Catholics, filed for bankruptcy in July 2004. In February 2007, the Diocese of San Diego, with nearly 900,000 Catholics, filed for Chapter 11 protection.