In celebrating the Sacred Triduum, we can easily pass over the significance of Holy Saturday. We move from the pathos of Good Friday to the joy of the Easter Vigil on Saturday night, with just a few brief hours in between.
Category: News
Divine Mercy Sunday to be celebrated in Sauk City
Divine Mercy Sunday will be celebrated on Sunday, April 16, at St. Aloysius Church (part of Divine Mercy Parish) 115 Madison St., Sauk City.
Mama told me (not to come)
Jelly beans in the 1970s were sturdy and dry, their rainbow colors missing blue and disappointingly studded with somber white and black.
Montessori-based school program to open in Cassville
St. Charles Borromeo School in Cassville is opening a Montessori-based school program for ages three to six for the upcoming 2023-24 school year.
St. Vincent de Paul breaks ground on new renovations
March 13 saw the Madison Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) break ground on a new construction project.
St. Paul’s Catholic Student Center hosts Spring Wine Fest
St. Paul’s Catholic Student Center, located on the UW-Madison campus, will be hosting its 12th annual Spring Wine Fest on Friday, May 5.
‘It is finished’
Jesus’ final words from the Cross were: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” (Luke 23:46) and “It is finished.” (John 19:30) With this, Christ dies, handing His life over to the Father.
Go Make Disciples Live
It is not uncommon to encounter individuals in our Catholic communities who appear to be Catholics who just “go through the motions” and practice the faith out of obligation, without much thought.
Wisconsin Catholic Conference urges legislators to oppose abortion expansion
The Wisconsin Catholic Conference strongly urges legislators to oppose LRB-2151/1, legislation that would create an exception in Wisconsin’s statute permitting children conceived in rape and incest to be killed and expand abortion access in cases of fetal abnormality or risk to the mother.
Regional Eucharistic Gatherings with the Hispanic community
We are currently experiencing the Eucharistic Revival in the United States, a pivotal moment in our faith when we encourage everyone to live a life centered on the Eucharist, the Mass, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.