Every summer during the annual seminarian gathering in the Diocese of Madison, priests and seminarians have social time and dinner together.
Category: News
Bishop ordains diocesan permanent deacon
BOSCOBEL — On Sunday, July 20, Bishop Robert C. Morlino presided at the diaconal ordination Mass of Larry Schmitt.
Deacon Schmitt’s ordination to the permanent diaconate is the first to take place in the Diocese of Madison since 2004. As Deacon Schmitt marks the beginning of his diaconal ministry, fellow permanent deacons in the diocese celebrated 10 years of service to their parish communities and ministries.
Bishops revise advance care forms
MADISON — Earlier this year, the Catholic bishops of Wisconsin published a form aimed at helping individuals convey their desires regarding advance care planning in a manner that aligns with Catholic principles.
The form, which was published in one version for those who are Catholic and in another version for those who are not, is designed as an addendum to the State of Wisconsin’s Power of Attorney for Health Care (POAHC) document.
The newly revised edition of the form provides greater clarity for users regarding the Church’s teaching on nutrition and hydration.
Schoenstatt movement to celebrate 100th jubilee
On Sunday, Aug. 24, there will be a Covenant Sunday celebration in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Schoenstatt Movement.
By the Cross offers books by area author, items for children
MADISON — Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles — in fact anyone involved with children — should visit By The Cross Catholic Gift and Bookstore on Madison’s east side.
This store is filled with many wonderful religious items for children, from coloring and activity books to prayer books to stuffed animals. It’s literally a treasure trove of educational, faith-filled, and fun things for Catholic kids.
St. Stephen Parish hosts benefit for Connor Gracyalny
CLINTON — Food, kids’ games, a silent auction, and fun in a family-friendly atmosphere will be featured at the Connor Gracyalny Benefit to be held on Saturday, Aug. 23, from 4 until 8 p.m. at the St. Stephen Parish Family Center. Parishioners and the public are especially invited to the event.
Ten-year-old Connor, son of Michelle and John Gracyalny, St. Stephen parishioners, has been undergoing treatment for Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) for the past 10 months. He was diagnosed September 30, 2013, with the disease, which is a type of cancer of the white blood cells.
Parish offers creation care class
MADISON — Blessed Sacrament Parish will host the Just Faith Ministries’ module, “God’s Creation Cries for Justice,” which probes a faithful response to climate change.
In this eight-week class, participants will examine climate change through the lens of Catholic social teaching — reflecting on their place in and responsibility for God’s creation. With a particular focus on the impact of climate change on the poor and vulnerable, the group will explore what action steps they can take to insure a sustainable future for all.
Msgr. Delbert Schmelzer retires after 46 years in mission office
Fr. Delbert Schmelzer meets Pope John Paul II in 1981 at a meeting of diocesan directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies held in Rome, just two weeks before the Holy Father was shot by Mehmet Ali Agca. (Contributed photo) |
MADISON — Jesus told his disciples before he ascended into heaven, “As the Father has sent me, so I also send you” (John 20:21).
Msgr. Delbert Schmelzer believes all baptized Christians have that same mission. “We, too, are sent to bring good news to the poor to the ends of the earth,” he emphasizes.
Monsignor Schmelzer has been encouraging people in the Diocese of Madison to support the missionary work of the Church for over 46 years.
He retired in July from his position as diocesan director of the Pontifical Mission Societies. Fr. Chad Droessler, pastor of Blessed Trinity Parish in Lodi and Dane, has assumed the position.
Vital work of the Church
In an interview, Monsignor Schmelzer discussed the vital missionary work of the Catholic Church led by the Holy Father. “The Holy See has the obligation to extend the Church to the whole world. We are doing the Holy Father’s work throughout the world in over 1,150 mission dioceses. They couldn’t exist without our support,” said Monsignor Schmelzer.
Began work in 1968
Back in 1968, Bishop Cletus F. O’Donnell asked then Father Schmelzer to assist Msgr. Edward Auchter with the Pontifical Mission Societies work in the diocese.
“I was his associate director for 13 years,” noted Monsignor Schmelzer. “In 1981, I became the director. It’s an honor to be given this job.”
Bishop Morlino to visit St. Clare Hospital in Baraboo
BARABOO — St. Clare of Assisi, the patron saint after whom St. Clare Hospital in Baraboo was named, has been described in history as “full of light” or “radiant.”
Her guiding light continues to be a beacon that illuminates the exceptional health care ministry practiced throughout the community as part of the SSM Health Care mission at the St. Clare Hospital campus in Baraboo and its clinic facilities in the Wisconsin Dells/Lake Delton area.
Catholic Multicultural Center celebrates anniversary
MADISON — The Catholic Multicultural Center (CMC) invites the public to help celebrate its fifth anniversary after reopening under Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish.
All are welcome to attend Celebrate CMC on Saturday, Aug. 9, in the CMC parking lot located at 1862 Beld St. in Madison for a fun community extravaganza.