The Office of Hispanic Ministry in the Diocese of Madison opened its doors on July 1, 2021, initially part-time, but now running full-time for two years after that under the leadership and commitment of Bishop
Donald Hying
Category: Around the Diocese
News from around the 11 counties of the Diocese of Madison.
Donors help refurbish rectory for youth
As summer turns to fall, children return to school, and youth catechesis picks up again, middle and high school students have something special to look forward to in the St. Cletus Pastorate.
Making a positive impact: St. John Bosco tuition grants
The Catholic Diocese of Madison Foundation (CDMF) is fortunate to oversee investment funds started by individuals keenly interested in making a positive impact on our Catholic community.
One of these funds is the St. John Bosco Fund Tuition Assistance Fund, which provides grants for tuition assistance for our Catholic schools.
40 Days for Life leader brings message of ‘the beginning of the end of abortion’
Former Planned Parenthood manager Ramona Treviño, the director of outreach of the peaceful, prayerful, effective 40 Days for Life project, will tell the story of this groundbreaking effort in Madison on Monday, Sept. 23.
White Mass for medical professionals on October 13
The Catholic Medical Guild of the Diocese of Madison will be hosting its annual White Mass in honor of medical professionals.
Bringing them home through a Go Make Disciples reboot
Recently, the Diocese of Madison released a new video from Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison entitled “Bring Them Home.”
In this beautifully done short film, the bishop reminds us that both our Go Make Disciples (GMD) and Into the Deep initiatives are rooted in Our Lord’s promise that He will be with us always “until the end of the age”.
Watertown church provides ‘Bible, bonfire, and beverages’ for young adults
Originally known as De Profundis, Latin for “out of the depths” from Psalm 130, Bible, Bonfire, and Beverages is a young adult Bible study, held every Monday at 7 p.m. and hosted by St. Bernard Church in Watertown, part of St. Thérèse of Lisieux Pastorate.
Law professor shares faith at UW-Madison
On Bascom Hill, standing among its leafy trees, is the UW-Madison Law School. There, Professor of Law Cecelia Klingele has taught courses for the last 15 years, and as a practicing Catholic, it’s also where she has shared faith and fellowship with colleagues and students through her work.
Married couples celebrate milestone anniversaries
Signs of mutual love and respect were on display at St. Francis Xavier Church in Cross Plains — part of Holy Cross Pastorate — on August 25, when a noticeable number of husbands escorted their wives to the church’s entrance.
Evangelization: More than a buzzword
If you want more people in your parish to respond to the call to “go,” visit
advancement and schedule a call with someone from the Evangelical Catholic to see how Reach More can transform your parish.