The Games of the XXXIII Olympiad will be held in Paris this summer from late July until mid-August, but the tenth annual Linden Lodge Driveway Olympics will be held one afternoon only, at our cabin up north on Lake Mildred. Tickets are going fast but are still available (for both the Paris games and the Mildred games) but if you don’t care to travel, you might consider creating your own games with friends, family, or neighbors in your own backyard. May I offer you a few tips for setting up your “Olympics?”
Category: Columns
By way of introduction . . .
“Brittle” . . . “hard” . . . allow me to throw in “fragile” . . . each has at least temporarily fit my soul like Cinderella’s slipper — depending on the crisis at hand.
Sparking childlike awe of Our Lord
The true wonder of the world lies not in earthly discoveries, but in the Eucharist, a palpable Love that can ignite us from within if we strive to approach it with the awe of a child.
Put a pilgrimage to IHM on your summer bucket list
As you dream up all the fun and foodie adventures you’ll have this summer, don’t forget to add a little faith to your bucket list as well.
Venite adoremus, dominum
What I can tell you is that Adoration is truly transforming in an almost stealth manner . . . like the marriage that isn’t skyrockets, but rather the slow and steady fire.
Remembering not to forget: Memorial Day
when Labor Day has come and gone, When the season has changed from summer to fall, let’s not forget what we remembered this summer so as to take notice when the calendar calls us to celebrate Veterans’ Day.
Starting summer off right
We really trusted that Our Lady would simply take care of us. And she did, with a reassuring sign to boot. I will never doubt the intercession of Our Lady through the Rosary again.
Let’s thank fathers for their special love
On Father’s Day and each day, let us thank God for the gift of our father whose caring presence often mirrors or mirrored the love of our Heavenly Father.
Half way there?
have you found a way to bring the fullness of the “source and summit” more alive in your life? I’m trying, but I struggle. I struggle because I still fall short of my goal which, in part, is to experience overwhelming joy in the power of the Presence every time I receive Communion.
There’s still time to honor our moms
Since May is traditionally the month when we honor Our Lady, we still have two days left to do something that will make her smile.May I propose that we round out Mary’s month by doing something extra special for our own moms in her honor?