Memorial Day began as Decoration Day. In 1868 Major General John A. Logan, commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, proclaimed the first official Memorial Day, which became Decoration Day.
Category: Columns
Alkaline hydrolysis and you
In 2021, Wisconsin State Senator Patrick Testin, a Republican from Stevens Point, and Representative Todd Novak, a Republican from Dodgeville, sponsored legislation that would legalize alkaline hydrolysis as a means of disposing of human remains.
Four feasts to prepare us for summer and forever
Each year, at […]
How the Rosary helped me get pregnant
The year we got married was not an easy year. We were newly married during the recession, having decided to move forward with the wedding despite . . . well, everything.
Offer the best we have in simple acts of love
Everyone experiences personal difficulties at some point, times of heavy crosses we must carry for a short time or all our lives.
St. Joseph, pray for us
St. Joseph is a model of true masculinity in a time when true masculinity is under attack, misunderstood, and poorly modeled by many men in our culture.
Let us enjoy the year of St. Joseph
In his apostolic Letter Patris Corde, (“With a Father’s Heart”), Pope Francis recalls the 150th anniversary of the declaration of St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church.
The Oklahoma City Memorial through the eyes of a Catholic man
It’s a few minutes past sunset, and I’m writing this reflection from the lobby of an atrium-style hotel in Norman, Okla.
The 24th annual In the Father’s Footsteps Catholic Men’s Conference has drawn to a close.
Jesus, I’m learning to Trust in You
Susan Swanke |
When Jesus appeared to St. Faustina and shared his message of Divine Mercy, the words he instructed her to put at the bottom of his image were, “Jesus, I trust in you.”
No subtle hint. Jesus wants us to trust him. Why is it so important to him that we trust him? Surely, it’s not because he needs our trust for his good.
In fact, God needs nothing. It must be for our good that he gives this command.Easter brings meaning to our lives forever
Victor Frankl, a world-famous Austrian psychiatrist, who survived a Nazi concentration camp noticed that those who survived the camp tended to have something or someone to live for!
Hence the expression, “A person with a why can live with any how!”
Christ was born to bring hope to us, to make life more meaningful in this world, and then offer us the hope of Eternity.