As the Council reminds us: “The People of God believes that it is led by the Spirit of the Lord, who fills the whole world. Moved by this faith it tries to discern authentic signs of God’s presence and purpose in the events, the needs, and the longings which it shares with other people of our time. For faith throws a new light on all things and makes known the full ideal to which God has called each individual, and thus guides the mind towards solutions which are fully human” — Christifideles Laici, 3. Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope John Paul II (December 1988)
I’ve talked about the purpose of pastoral planning, that is, to answer the questions, “Who are we as a faith community? What are we called to do? How are we best to do it?” be it for a parish, or a cluster of parishes, or even a diocese.
I’ve also mentioned how these questions are answered by the Holy Spirit through the bishop of the diocese, the pastor of the parish, and his pastoral council. The bishop gives each parish and cluster of parishes a focus through his goals and directives. These in turn are taken by the pastors and pastoral councils and are prayerfully reflected upon to create a plan of action.
This article will discuss how this plan of action is made real and active in a parish and in a cluster of parishes.