Dear Readers,
There I was in my favorite diner telling the waitress I wanted a tuna salad sandwich on gluten-free toast.
Dear Readers,
There I was in my favorite diner telling the waitress I wanted a tuna salad sandwich on gluten-free toast.
Our nation faces many challenges and our bishop has called for two days of prayer on Monday, Nov. 1, (All Saints Day) and Tuesday, Nov. 2, (All Souls Day).
Never before in our country’s life, which was built on the family, has the sanctity of the family, of life, and of marriage — one man and one woman — been so endangered.
“If my people, who are called by my name, humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).
Recently, the national head of a pro-life group spoke at a rally. He told of a woman sharing with him the story of the last train-load of prisoners arriving in Dachau after World War II had ended. The Jewish and other prisoners on this last train (and all who were in the neighborhood of the tracks of the concentrations camp) were filled with fear.
The soldiers were gone. The local police had run away. And the villagers, still affected by the horrors of recent years, were immobilized by fear.
In the past year a family set out to get to a place in a mountainous area using a new GPS system. While the system could tell them which roads would be the shortest, it could not tell which roads were the safest to travel in difficult conditions.
In our spiritual journey, we have a divinely inspired life direction system which tells us in advance of hazardous conditions as well as the best way to go, each and every day.
God provides us direction so we will be faithful in our everyday duties: “Be still and know” — God is working even when we question if, how, and why/what God is working.
Pro-lifers everywhere are seriously concerned about the threats to life growing throughout the world, especially in the United States.
Bishop Robert Morlino is particularly requesting prayers for President Barack Obama in the area of abortion activity. Pro-lifers in Wisconsin are greatly concerned about the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics in Madison restarting abortion practices which it had abandoned over 20 years ago.