I’ve been working my way through one of the loveliest Advent prayer and meditation guides I’ve encountered in years: Behold, by Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT.
Category: Columns
A visit from St. Nicholas*, revisited
Dear Readers, in case some of you are fact-checking, I will confess that for the first time ever I’ve succumbed to the use of hyperbole here and there in this column, but only because I wanted to make sure my message was clear — we must all avoid the perils of pursuing perfectionism lest we trade Spirit for spirit.
Offering up silent sacrifices this Advent
Whatever the silent sacrifices look like for you this Advent, know that they are ways Our Lord is asking you to grow closer to Him.
A Catholic Hallmark movie
If you haven’t heard from me lately, it’s because I’ve been on the couch enveloped in a Christmas wonderland of garland-draped hometowns, romance tropes — mainly enemies to lovers — and coordinating knit scarves.
The good old days
In every age throughout history, human life has always been and will always be a mixture of pain and joy, suffering and celebration, bad times and good times.
Thanks-living in the moment
For now, take heart that my ability to understand His plan for me, accept it even when I don’t understand it, and truly believe in His love for me continues to grow — as does my capacity to live more of my life in the moment.
Childlike simplicity paves way for happiness
Happiness is different from a constant deep joy that is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, but happiness is a start, and I am grateful for its simplicity.
Stress relief ideas from the saints
As I sat in my kitchen, annoyed with myself that a normal week felt dramatically too challenging, I wondered how the saints managed the stress of daily life.
In the arms of an angel
I certainly need Divine Mercy, and I pray the Rosary every day . . . but I’ve decided the ones who perhaps get very little press are the Holy Guardian Angels. I’m guessing their humility would preclude them from filing a complaint over this, but it hardly seems fair to me. These loving and hopelessly devoted spirits are on the job 24/7/365 from our conception until death; I know for a fact that mine has put in a ridiculous amount of OT in the last 63 years.
Dear Readers. Perhaps you’ve heard of “sundowning,” a condition also known as Sundowner’s Syndrome or Late Day Confusion. I firmly believe sundowning is not a physical nor mental nor emotional manifestation; I think it’s a spiritual one.