On Sunday, December 29, 2024, the Feast of the Holy Family, in union with the Holy Father, the bishops and the entire universal Church, we enter into the Jubilee Year of 2025!
Category: Bishop Hying’s Letters
Statement from Bishop Donald Hying, regarding Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and our need for continued support of moms in need
After nearly half a century of federal legalized abortion, more than 65 million precious lives lost, and countless others enduring profound pain and suffering in the aftermath, today’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision effectively returns the question of abortion to the states, and is a long-awaited answer to decades of prayer and sacrifice by millions in our country. It offers us great hope for a deeper flourishing of human dignity. Many fewer lives will be lost to the grave injustice of abortion, which is the deliberate and direct killing of a human being, and a culture of life can begin to take root where it was previously not possible. It also offers the Catholic Church in the United States, and all those of good will who stand with us in upholding the sanctity of human life, the opportunity and privilege to redouble our efforts to accompany women and couples facing unexpected or difficult pregnancies, as well as supporting parents in their care for their sons and daughters. We will continue to welcome all those in need of assistance and offer to them the best we have to give, with sensitivity and compassion, so that children born in crisis situations have what they need to truly grow and flourish.
Bishop Hying’s statement on violence
Tragically, we live in a culture of violence and death. The recent mass shootings in New York and now Texas break our hearts, as both adults and children are murdered in the course of a normal day of grocery shopping or attending school by a troubled loner who has embraced some crazed ideological mix of racism, carnage, and/or revenge. The Gospel of Life challenges us to embrace our own human dignity, to build a culture in which every person is welcomed, nurtured, respected, and loved. The Church proclaims the right to life, not only for the unborn, but for every human being, created in the image and likeness of God.
Bishop Hying’s statement regarding San Francisco’s bishop decision regarding Speaker Pelosi and Holy Communion
Statement from Bishop Donald Hying, regarding Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco’s recognition of Speaker Pelosi’s choice to separate herself from full communion with the Catholic Church
Statement from Bishop Hying regarding the arson attack on the Wisconsin Family Action offices
“The destruction of Wisconsin Family Action headquarters in Madison over the weekend is a brazen act of violence which all citizens should condemn, as an attack on the respect and concern we owe to each other in seeking the common good.”
‘Into the Deep’
Bishop Hying’s letter announcing a diocesan strategic planning initiative
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Lord is risen! Alleluia! In the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ we receive the forgiveness of our sins, the grace to enter into a loving relationship with God, and the hope of eternal life. In the Scriptures, the sacraments, and the entire life of the Church, we are able to grow in the glory of the risen Lord Jesus, as beloved children of the Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit!
Letter from Bishop Hying on Pope Francis’ apostolic letter
May you know the love and peace of the Lord! The center of our Catholic Faith is the Most Holy Eucharist, the source and summit of our life in Christ. In the Mass, we hear God’s Word, share in the paschal sacrifice of the Son to the Father, and receive the Sacred Body of Christ. The Eucharist both forms and feeds the Church.
Bishop Hying’s statement on Archbishop Cordileone’s Pastoral Letter
As a young priest, I encountered many people, men and women both, who were profoundly wounded by abortion.
Letter from Bishop Hying concerning Pope Francis’ comments on the topic of ‘civil unions’
On October 21, news of Pope Francis’ comments from a 2019 interview included in a new documentary film, which seem to signal his private and personal support for civil unions of homosexuals, made world headlines.
Go Make Disciples Pastoral Letter
Click on the link below to read the full text of Bishop Donald J. Hying’s pastoral letter on the Go Make Disciples evangelization initiative.