MADISON — On Tuesday, March 28, Catholics from around the state will meet at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center in Madison for Catholics at the Capitol 2017.
Sponsored by the Wisconsin Catholic Conference (WCC) in cooperation with other Catholic organizations, this biennial event is a day of prayer, information, and advocacy.
The day starts with registration and breakfast, followed by a morning general session that begins with a prayer service.
Focus on human trafficking, other issues
Sr. Francis Bangert, OSF, will then provide an overview of human trafficking in Wisconsin and introduce the keynote speaker, Colleen Stratton, a mother, speaker, writer, and survivor of human trafficking. Ms. Stratton will speak on escaping “the life” and about the hope and freedom that she now enjoys.
Morning and afternoon breakout sessions follow with experts from around the state examining issues that advance the common good, including sessions on Catholic social teaching, ethical medical research, poverty, offender recidivism, immigration and refugee policy, servant leadership, human trafficking, water stewardship, racism, and education.
Equip faithful citizens
“This day offers Catholics the opportunity to deepen their understanding of Catholic teaching and equips them to go forth and be faithful citizens,” said WCC Executive Director Kim Wadas.
“Praying together, learning from engaging speakers, and sharing public policy insights with their fellow Catholics and legislators — the day is an amazing opportunity to be a witness to the faith and promote the common good.”
Registration will begin at 8:45 a.m. and the opening prayer service will start at 9:45 a.m. When the afternoon general session adjourns at 3:15 p.m., participants will be encouraged to walk over to the State Capitol to meet with their legislators.
Advance registration deadline is Monday, March 20, with a cost of $40 for non-students and $12 for full-time students. After March 20, registration is $50 for non-students.
For more information, call the WCC at 608-257-0004 or visit the WCC’s website at Details on arranging meetings with legislators and other information will be provided in the registration confirmation packet.