MADISON — The annual Blue Mass in honor of police, fire, and other first responders will be celebrated on Thursday, May 16, at 6:30 p.m. at St. Bernard Parish in the parish center, 2438 Atwood Ave., Madison. Bishop Donald J. Hying of Madison will be the main celebrant. All emergency personnel from around the Diocese of Madison, both active and retired, are invited to attend in full uniform, regardless of faith. Members of the public are also encouraged to attend.
Those who have died in the service of their communities will be remembered at the Mass. Representatives from local emergency agencies will offer remarks and reflections.
The Blue Mass typically takes place during National Police Week, which is from May 12 to May 18 this year.
After the Mass, there will be a meal sponsored by Gunderson Funeral and Cremation Care.
For more information, contact Dick Rinehart, retired Madison police officer, at