MADISON — On the weekend of December 13 and 14 we encourage all to reflect upon the great impact our priests have had on our lives here in the Diocese of Madison.
Over the years, our priests have given faithful support to so many through countless hours of service and sacrifice. This annual collection says a very special thank you to both those who are retired and those who continue to serve.
As in past years, this annual call to support our retired priests continues to provide for monthly retirement benefits, medical and long term care needs, and establishment of an endowment to sustain the care level our priests deserve in retirement.
Please look for the Bless Our Priest envelopes in your parish during the next few weeks or inserted in an upcoming issue of the Catholic Herald. If you prefer, you may visit the diocesan Web site, A link has been provided allowing you to make a secure gift online to this collection. It is through your generosity this Christmas season that we can serve these priests who have so faithfully served each of us.
God bless you during this holy Advent Season!
For more information contact the Office of Stewardship and Development, Diocese of Madison, at: 702 S. High Point Rd., Madison, WI 53719, 608-821-3039, or