BERLIN — Fr. John Tourangeau, OPraem, who had an afterlife experience following a major heart attack, emphatically states, “Heaven is for real!”
Within this enlightening and hope-filled presentation, Father Tourangeau weaves a powerful and dynamic tapestry of the Kingdom of God at hand — heaven — through exploration of Christian tradition, Sacred Scripture, Catholic teaching, and personal experience.
He is a member of St. Norbert Abbey, De Pere, and lives in Mora, N.M., where he was first assigned as a pastor almost 30 years ago. Having recently completed a PhD in Organization Development at Benedictine University in Lisle, Ill., he currently supports the community where he lives in the expansion of mental health and counseling services.He also assists with sacramental celebrations at St. Gertrude the Great Parish and its 15 missions. Additionally, he travels to continue his national clergy research, present his findings, and speak on the popular topic of heaven.
Father Tourangeau’s book, To Heaven and Back, will be available for $10 the evening of his presentation: Thursday, Feb. 22, at 7 p.m. at All Saints Catholic Church, N8566 Hwy. 49 Berlin.