Journey is a poor word to describe our pilgrimage to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for World Youth Day. The better way to describe it would be to call it a quest. A quest in which the forces of light battle the hordes of darkness. However, in this case the darkness is inside of us. This darkness is the thought that we are alone in our fight against evil, that Church is weak, diminishing, powerless against the aggressive advances of the devil in our world.
Author: Kevin Wondrash
Love Begins Here does ‘small things with great love’
On a sunny Thursday morning in late June, dozens of teens made their way downstairs to the parish hall at St. Bernard Parish in Middleton. They just spent the fourth of five nights sleeping on the floor of a classroom. While it doesn’t sound like a fun way to spend part of their summer vacation, they love it.
Monday Night Sports League: more than a game
From day one of journalism school, a reporter is told not to put him or herself into a story. Just learn the facts, observe what happens, interview interesting subjects, and tell the story. Sometimes, however, the paths of reporter and story cross, and the reporter is in the story.
As a young adult in the Diocese of Madison, I am blessed to be part of many activities for Catholics my age in the area. One of them is the Monday Night Sports League (MNSL).
A look at the league
The MNSL started last summer with six teams. Young adults from my parish, St. Maria Goretti (SMG) in Madison, as well as teams from Cathedral Parish in Madison, Blessed Sacrament Parish in Madison, St. Paul University Catholic Center in Madison, St. Christopher Parish in Verona, and a team of friends called “Faith, Friends, and Funnies” (FFF) make up the league.
Local scouts, priest leave for St. George Trek
JANESVILLE — This summer, 15-year-olds Tony Seibert and Sam Barrette of Nativity of Mary Parish in Janesville became the fourth and fifth Scouts to represent the Diocese of Madison on the St. George Trek (SGT).
This year the Diocese of Madison, for the first time, has a priest participating in SGT. Fr. Brian Dulli, Eagle Scout and pastor of St. Peter Parish in Ashton, eagerly looked forward to being a part of SGT.
The St. George Trek is a backpacking adventure at Philmont Scout Ranch. Philmont is the premiere Boy Scout Ranch located near Cimarron, N.M. in the heart of the Rocky Mountains.
Pro-Life from a biomedical perspective
MONROE — When does life begin? Did you ever wish that you could ask a physician about this, but were unsure of what he/she would say? Would they tell you the truth, or would they tell you their “belief”?
The Diocese of Madison has a current seminarian — Clint Olson — who is also medical doctor. He will give two talks on the truth of when life begins from a medical perspective to members of St. Clare of Assisi Parish in Monroe and any interested Catholics in the diocese. His talk — “Pro-Life from a Biomedical Perspective” — is geared toward teens and adults and will be presented twice: once on Wednesday, July 17, and again on Wednesday, July 24. Both talks will begin at 7 p.m. and will be held at St. Victor Church in Monroe.
Public presentation on G.K. Chesterton to be presented in Waunakee
WAUNAKEE — The presentation “G.K. Chesterton on Education” will take place Sunday, July 14, 2013 at 2 p.m. at St. John the Baptist Parish on 209 South St. in Waunakee.
In this free public event, EWTN host Dale Ahlquist will provide the wit and wisdom of Chesterton on how to educate and to avoid giving into the fads and fashions that afflict modern education.
Religious freedom on the Fourth of July
Dear Friends,
As I write this column, we are coming quickly upon the Fourth of July, when we as a nation celebrate our independence and freedom. It is this freedom which has provided tremendous room for our flourishing as a human race and as a nation, but it is a delicate freedom, built upon the presupposition that we as a nation will choose to exercise our freedom in a way that moves forward toward what is best.
Lumen House project moves forward
MADISON — Msgr. Kevin Holmes, rector of the Cathedral Parish in Madison, publicly thanked Wisconsin State legislators late in June for acting to ensure the opportunity for faith-based housing for students attending University of Wisconsin-Madison becomes a reality beginning with the 2014 to 2015 school year.
Preserving tax-exemption
In a release dated June 21, Monsignor Holmes noted the Cathedral Parish’s tremendous appreciation for “the efforts of Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester), Rep. Travis Tranel (R-Cuba City), and Rep. Pat Strachota (R-West Bend) and Senate Majority Leader, Senator Scott Fitzgerald (R-Beaver Dam) for their role in including a matter important to the Cathedral Parish in the governor’s budget bill.
At Camp Gray, ‘awesome’ is normal
By Thursday afternoon, things were in full swing at Camp Gray. Campers, ranging in age from second-graders to young adults who just finished high school, spent the last few days growing closer to God together and having fun together.
Catholic Herald wins awards
The Catholic Herald-Diocese of Madison won six awards in the 2013 Catholic Press Awards competition sponsored by the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada.