Dear Friends,
This past Sunday we celebrated the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. As a brother-bishop jokes, we celebrate this glorious mystery exactly according to the Acts of the Apostles . . . 44 days after Easter . . .
Dear Friends,
This past Sunday we celebrated the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. As a brother-bishop jokes, we celebrate this glorious mystery exactly according to the Acts of the Apostles . . . 44 days after Easter . . .
MADISON — The […]
A number of serious diseases are known to occur because of defects or mutations in our DNA.
Curing such diseases could in principle be carried out by rewriting the DNA to fix the mutated base pairs. Yet until recently, scientists have remained largely stymied in their attempts to directly modify genes in a living animal.
Findings described in the March 30, 2014, issue of Nature Biotechnology, however, reveal that a novel gene-editing technique, known as CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats), can be used successfully in mice to reverse disease symptoms for a liver defect known as type I tyrosinemia. In humans, this potentially fatal ailment affects about one in 100,000 people.
A standing-room only crowd listens to the morning keynote session at the at the fourth annual Catholic Charities Aging Conference held May 15 at the Bishop O’Connor Center in Madison. (Catholic Herald photo/Kevin Wondrash) |
MADISON — All of us want to know how we can live well and age well. Catholic Charities (CC) of the Diocese of Madison gave plenty of suggestions on making that happen at its annual Aging Conference.
The fourth annual conference held on May 15 at the Bishop O’Connor Center in Madison drew a record number of participants.
Bill Hamilton, director of Aging Services for Catholic Charities, welcomed those attending the day. “As a leader in providing aging services, Catholic Charities is happy to provide this community outreach,” he said.
He noted that CC has six programs for older adults: Elder Mentor, Companion Care, Respite Care, Adult Day Center, Caregiver Training, and the All Saints Neighborhood. “We have a really nice package of services for older adults,” said Hamilton.
MARSHALL/WATERLOO — Holy Family Parish in Waterloo and Marshall held a Light of the World (LOTW) Retreat for its members from May 16 to 19.
This is the first in a series of retreats that will be held. The LOTW Evangelization Process promotes parish outreach to welcome back those who have strayed from the Church while inviting all those who seek a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.
Beyond a weekend retreat, Light of the World supports participants’ long-term faith journey, with small group support, continuing spiritual education, and engagement as disciples.
WISCONSIN DELLS — The Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Stepping Stone Committee would like to welcome the Wisconsin Dells community to the official opening of the Stepping Stone Apartments on Friday, May 30, and Saturday, May 31.
A ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled for Friday, May 30, at 1 p.m. marking the official opening of the apartments. Included in this ceremony will be the consecration of the buildings by Fr. Michael Richel, pastor of St. Cecilia Parish in Wisconsin Dells.
After the ceremonies, the apartments and the refurbished Wolfram home will be open for viewing. Refreshments will be served.
WISCONSIN DELLS — The Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Stepping Stone Committee would like to welcome the Wisconsin Dells community to the official opening of the Stepping Stone Apartments on Friday, May 30, and Saturday, May 31.
A ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled for Friday, May 30, at 1 p.m. marking the official opening of the apartments. Included in this ceremony will be the consecration of the buildings by Fr. Michael Richel, pastor of St. Cecilia Parish in Wisconsin Dells.
After the ceremonies, the apartments and the refurbished Wolfram home will be open for viewing. Refreshments will be served.
Dear Friends,
At all times, but especially during the month of May, and especially as we experience certain trials, we should look to Mary.