MADISON — Good […]
Author: Kevin Wondrash
Dressing for success — and modesty
For parents and students everywhere, “back to school” means shopping and lots of it, mostly for supplies and clothes. In both of those areas, there can be debates and battles between parents and children on what each thinks the student should have.
With fashions and trends always changing, buying “school clothes” becomes a yearly challenge.
Schools in the Diocese of Madison try every year to create a safe and comfortable learning environment while dealing with new fashion trends.
Tips for a better school year
Students from around the diocese took time out of their summer vacations to do something very unusual: come to school.
That’s right. For three weeks from Monday through Thursday, they spent their mornings at St. Ambrose Academy in Madison going to class, taking notes, doing homework, and preparing for a test.
Why would they do such a thing? The reason is simple: they want to be better students. They know that the school year is starting soon, and they know that Christ calls them to be the best students they can be.
Rachel’s Vineyard retreats offered
Rachel’s Vineyard retreats offer an opportunity for anyone who is struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion to experience the love and mercy of God.
Love Begins Here summer of ‘small things with great love’
“We are missionaries who work with passion, knowing we can bring God’s love to our brothers and sisters who hunger. Love, in order to survive, must be nourished by its sacrifices, especially the sacrifice of self.”
Couples celebrate 50 plus years of marriage
It was a day of thanks and celebration as 121 married couples packed the Bishop O’Connor Center chapel. The August 10 occasion was the Mass of Thanksgiving for couples celebrating 50 years or more of marriage.
Celebrate Bishop Morlino’s ordination anniversary
Every summer during the annual seminarian gathering in the Diocese of Madison, priests and seminarians have social time and dinner together.
Bishop ordains diocesan permanent deacon
BOSCOBEL — On Sunday, July 20, Bishop Robert C. Morlino presided at the diaconal ordination Mass of Larry Schmitt.
Deacon Schmitt’s ordination to the permanent diaconate is the first to take place in the Diocese of Madison since 2004. As Deacon Schmitt marks the beginning of his diaconal ministry, fellow permanent deacons in the diocese celebrated 10 years of service to their parish communities and ministries.
Parish offers creation care class
MADISON — Blessed Sacrament Parish will host the Just Faith Ministries’ module, “God’s Creation Cries for Justice,” which probes a faithful response to climate change.
In this eight-week class, participants will examine climate change through the lens of Catholic social teaching — reflecting on their place in and responsibility for God’s creation. With a particular focus on the impact of climate change on the poor and vulnerable, the group will explore what action steps they can take to insure a sustainable future for all.
POLST: A Catholic moral dilemma (part one)
Author’s note: “Love — caritas — is an extraordinary force which leads people to opt for courageous and generous engagement in the field of justice and peace. To defend the truth, to articulate it with humility and conviction, and to bear witness to it in life are therefore exacting and indispensable forms of charity. All people feel the interior impulse to love authentically: love and truth never abandon them completely, because these are the vocation planted by God in the heart and mind of every human person” (Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate).
These words from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI capture so well the weight of the pro-life mission. Working as a dining room server at a retirement home in high school, I formed friendships with the elderly community there. This experience was formative and heightened my awareness of the love that must infuse end-of-life care. In my research, I came across the controversial POLST form, an advance directive becoming commonly used in hospitals, hospices, and nursing homes.